Would you describe your worship service as traditional, contemporary, or blended?
We mix a variety of styles into our worship service that may vary from week to week. Our worship leader, Tim Nelson, selects music appropriate for the message that day. You may hear traditional hymns or contemporary worship music. Our choir takes the stage the first Sunday of every month.
Our Family Pastor, Bro. Billy Helms, uses a teaching style from the Pulpit. You can expect to hear a lot of Scripture and messages are typically 30-45 minutes in length depending on the topic or passage being presented.
What should I wear?
Choice of attire is entirely up to you. Most of our members prefer a casual or semi-professional style, but you won't find many suits and ties. Ladies, you are welcome to wear a dress, but don't feel like it is a requirement.
You have three buildings. Which one do I go to?
At the front of our campus is a newer brick building with a steeple on top. This is our main sanctuary and where we gather for worship services. It is also where you will find our nursery and ladies Sunday School class. The older brick building next to it contains our offices upstairs, food pantry, and youth center. On the back of our campus is our Family Life Center/Gym and block building. The FLC is where we gather on Sunday mornings for fellowship and where most of our classrooms are located. The connecting block building is our Kidmin building for Pre-K and K-5th activities, including Sunday School, Kids Church, and Wednesday nights. All kids areas are secure-cam monitored with a central viewing screen at our Kidmin welcome desk.
What activities are available for our kids?
On Sunday mornings, we have a wide range of options depending on age. We have Sunday School for 6-12th grade, K-5th Grade, as well as Pre-K. Our nursery is available for those still in potty training and under.
During our worship service, our Pre-K and Nursery is available. For those with K-5th grade, we invite them to sing together as a family in our main service, and then they are dismissed to Kids Church during preaching time.
On Wednesday evenings, we have activities for K-12th grade beginning at 6pm with doors open at 5:30pm.
Behind our FLC is an area designated as a community park and playground. You and your family are welcome to enjoy the park during daylight hours.
What does a typical Sunday morning look like?
We begin to gather in our Family Life Center for fellowship around 9:20 for coffee and pastries. Sunday School begins around 9:30 and includes classes for men, women, students, young adults, and our co-ed adult class. Our worship service kicks off at 10:30 and we are generally done before 11:45.
Do you have other adult study times besides Sunday morning?
We have an adult Bible study that meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm and wraps up at the same time our kids and youth do at 7:30pm. On the Second and Fourth Sunday, we have a family Bible study at 6pm in our FLC that is open to all ages. It features a time of fellowship and food provided by participants and a Bible study. We have additional small groups that meet during different times of the year.
Do you offer a men's or women's ministry?
Our men gather the third Saturday of every month in our FLC at 8am for fellowship, breakfast, and a short message from a guest speaker. We also attend a men's conference 1-2 times a year.
Our ladies meet in a different home each month every third Friday night. There is a ladies study on Tuesday nights at 6pm. We also have various activities throughout the year.
What other activities are available for school age kids?
Our youth have a variety of different activities throughout the year. We join other churches for Disciple Now weekend, typically in Febraury. We send a group to Generate Camp every other year. From January - August, we have Friday Night Hangout on the 2nd and 4th Friday from 5:30-8:00pm that allows 6th-12th grade students there opportunity to enjoy a fun and safe space to connect with friends in our student room or life center.
For our elementary age, we offer a reading club on Thursday afternoons during the school year and we always look forward to Vacation Bible School in the summer.
Do you have any special events?
Our church is always looking to engage with the community, especially for seasonal events. During Easter week, we have a variety of special services including a Passover meal, Good Friday candlelight service, egg hunt, and sunrise service. We host a fireworks show around the Fourth of July. In October, we partner with Mt Hope School for the community harvest event. We provide a community wide Thanksgiving meal on the Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving. During December, we celebrate the season with a special night of Christmas music as well as our Christmas Eve candlelight service.
Other special family events are scheduled throughout the year, including our annual Fall Marriage Retreat.